Drake Remington

I honestly didn’t know what to do with Drake when I first started this series. All I knew was that he’d have a book. As I started writing Xavier and Colt’s book, Drake’s story became plain as day. I wrote it all in my head in a day. I couldn’t wait to write it, and then I started… Want to know what happened? Read on!

So, a little secret from a writer. We don’t always have an idea of what we’re doing. Sometimes, we wing it. Even if we have the entire story in our head. 

I started writing Blade’s and Drake’s story and expected it to just flow. It absolutely didn’t because all I was thinking through the entire thing is how much I wanted, needed to give them the story they deserve. And they deserved an epic one. 

Which is why when I started writing, I questioned if my idea was right. I wondered if it was good enough for them; if it did them justice. I still don’t know for sure, but I do know that Drake came out a lot stronger than I originally planned for him. I think he needed to be in order to really be Blade’s perfect mate.

Tell me what you think? Did I give them what they deserve?